Sunday, 2 December 2018

Pilih Pay Per Click atau Pay Per Download ? Mana yang paling menguntungkan?

Pay per Click (PPC) atau Pay per Download (PPD)?
untuk memilih mana yang paling menguntungkan dan berpengaruh, bagaimana kalau di coba kedua-duanya? yang penting situs tersebut tidak tipu-tipu atau scam yang kita udah capek-capek menghanbiskan kuota buat upload dan download eeeh, tidak dibayar.

ini ada salah satu referensi website PPC untuk kamu yang mau manfaatkan waktu kamu untuk menabung earning dengan click dan memperpendek url.
kamu bisa langsung daftar di situ ==>

untuk uploadboy ini adalah salah satu referensi website PPD , dimana cara kerjanya kamu upload file yang kamu miliki , hasil karya kamu atau apaun yang bermanfaat kemudian kamu sebarkan linknya untuk memudahkan teman-teman kamu mendownloadnya.
kamu bisa mulai mendaftar di bawah ini.
Daftar UploadBoy(pay per Download) atau kesini

untuk pembayarannya kamu bisa pakai Paypal.
kenapa? karena paypal sudah banyak digunakan untuk transaksi digital jadi aman dan dapat di kirim ke bank local kita.
Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat :)
Continue reading Pilih Pay Per Click atau Pay Per Download ? Mana yang paling menguntungkan?


Actually this article publish because anthusiast me for and i have ask to google about curiosity.

1. File -> New Project

Installing the software

This tutorial will begin by creating a new ASP.NET MVC 3 project using the free Visual Web Developer 2010 Express (which is free), and then we’ll incrementally add features to create a complete functioning application. Along the way, we’ll cover database access, form posting scenarios, data validation, using master pages for consistent page layout, using AJAX for page updates and validation, user login, and more.
You can follow along step by step, or you can download the completed application from
You can use either Visual Studio 2010 SP1 or Visual Web Developer 2010 Express SP1 (a free version of Visual Studio 2010) to build the application. We’ll be using the SQL Server Compact (also free) to host the database. Before you start, make sure you've installed the prerequisites listed below. You can install all of them using the following Web Platform Installer link:
Note: You can find this link on the big green button at this (easier to remember) link:

The Web Platform Installer will check what you’ve got installed and just download what you need.

If you want to individually install the prerequisites using the following links instead of using the above link, use the following links (written out in case you’re using a printed version of this tutorial):
Note: If you're using Visual Studio 2010 instead of Visual Web Developer 2010, install the prerequisites with this link instead:
Visual Studio Web Developer Express SP1 prerequisites
I highly recommend you use the first Web Platform Installer link, as it will make sure you’ve got everything set up correctly.

Creating a new ASP.NET MVC 3 project

We’ll start by selecting “New Project” from the File menu in Visual Web Developer. This brings up the New Project dialog.

We’ll select the Visual C# -> Web Templates group on the left, then choose the “ASP.NET MVC 3 Web Application” template in the center column. Name your project MvcMusicStore and press the OK button.

This will display a secondary dialog which allows us to make some MVC specific settings for our project. Select the following:
Project Template - select Empty
View Engine - select Razor
Use HTML5 semantic markup - checked
Verify that your settings are as shown below, then press the OK button.

This will create our project. Let’s take a look at the folders that have been added to our application in the Solution Explorer on the right side.

The Empty MVC 3 template isn’t completely empty – it adds a basic folder structure:

ASP.NET MVC makes use of some basic naming conventions for folder names:
Folder Purpose
/Controllers Controllers respond to input from the browser, decide what to do with it, and return response to the user.
/Views Views hold our UI templates
/Models Models hold and manipulate data
/Content This folder holds our images, CSS, and any other static content
/Scripts This folder holds our JavaScript files
These folders are included even in an Empty ASP.NET MVC application because the ASP.NET MVC framework by default uses a “convention over configuration” approach and makes some default assumptions based on folder naming conventions. For instance, controllers look for views in the Views folder by default without you having to explicitly specify this in your code. Sticking with the default conventions reduces the amount of code you need to write, and can also make it easier for other developers to understand your project. We’ll explain these conventions more as we build our application.

Continue reading [part 1]NGINTIPS STRUKTUR ASP.NET MVC

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Menambahkan Widget Instagram di Blogger atau Website

Sebenarnya Untuk menampilkan Widget Instagram di blog atau website sangatlah mudah, ada beberapa website yang menyediakan script codenya seperti: dan masih banyak lagi.
untuk yang saya gunakan ini adalah yuuk, langsung saja masuk ke TKP. :)
Jadi pastikan Internet kamu tersambung ya , hehe

1.    Langkah 1 : Setelah masuk ke, kemudian isi Username dengan nama akun instagram kamu, lalu akan tampil akun kamu di sampingnya.

2.    Langkah 2
Kemudian scrool/ tarik halaman website tersebut kebawah, lalu  klik “Preview” maka akun instagram dan foto-foto yang ada di instagram kamu akan tampil di bagian sampingnya.

3.    Langkah 3
Kemudian Klik “Get The embeded Code”, setelah itu maka akan tampil seperti gambar dibawah ini. Klik saja pada kotak yang berwarna biru, lalu tekan ctrl+c (untuk copy teks tersebut).

Dan, selesai deh,
“<!-- InstaWidget -->
<a href="" id="link-c8679a91f6cb795f779c9b9e74aeb760a0b6c815a89fd970320adcaeaf81ed05">@nurhayatitris</a>
<script src=""></script>”
4.    Langkah 4
Untuk menambahkan ke halaman blog kamu, maka pilih menu “Layout”, samping kanan klik “+Add a Gadget”, lalu pilih “HTML/JavaScript”,

5.    Langkah 5
lalu Isi Title dengan Instagram kamu dan Content dengan code yang telah kamu copy tadi (Langkah 3), Misal :
Title : “Jangan Follow Instagram @nurhayatitris”
Content : “<!-- InstaWidget -->
<a href="" id="link-c8679a91f6cb795f779c9b9e74aeb760a0b6c815a89fd970320adcaeaf81ed05">@nurhayatitris</a>
<script src=""></script>

Lalu Klik “Save”

6.       Langkah 6
Lalu Klik “Save arrangement”, dan klik “Preview”.

And then you can see your account Instagram at your blog, Like my blog, J

Horeeeeeeeeeee….. BERHASIL :)  semoga bermanfaat dan selamat Mencoba J

Continue reading Menambahkan Widget Instagram di Blogger atau Website